Are you planning to travel into the wilderness? Well, it is important that you carry items that can help with your survival. Not every item is required every time you go into the wilderness. The more barren and harsher the environment, the more items you’ll have to bring.  

The items you’ll bring might change from one place to another. This depends on the weather, the season, and the situation. A couple of items might be required for a particular environment. Make sure you buy your items from high-quality stores, such as a Prepper shop UK. 

Personal First Aid Kit 

Every person in the wilderness has to carry a personal first aid kit every single time. It’s a simple crucial item that you shouldn’t leave in your car or at home. Every kit needs to be specifically stocked for wilderness travel with the concept that you might become stranded in that area for a longer time. Choose wisely the tools you’ll bring. Before you leave, you should also take a first aid course and talk to a medical professional about any medical concerns or problems. 


You should bring always a high-quality plastic whistle. You should attach a string on it and wear it around the neck. When in distress, you should blow your whistle 3 times 3 and use a 5-second blast. This is the universal code for SOS. You should continue doing this until the rescuers arrive.  

Survival Knife 

You need to have a premium carbon steel survival knife. This is a very important thing to consider for survival. Make sure that the knife you’re going to carry is made of carbon steel that is durable enough to cut down trees. Make sure it is sharp as well. You can also attach a string on your knife and wear it around the neck, together with your whistle.  

Ways to Light a Fire 

You shouldn’t take any chances. Always bring at least 3 durable fire lighting tools with you. If you’re planning to carry matches, make sure they’re inside a waterproof container. Another great item to carry is a striker. You can attach a string and wear it around the neck. The next item you should carry is lighter. When it comes to lighting a fire, you should also bring a candle and a tinder.  

The Right Clothing 

Again, you shouldn’t take any chances. You have to dress for the worse situations you might encounter. It makes a huge difference if you wear a rain jacket and a toque. You should also keep in mind the simple rules of dressing for the wilderness. First, wear a high-quality shell layer that protects spots of high heat loss. Next, wear synthetic or wool underwear as your wicking later, wear wool or pile/fleece as your insulation layers. Finally, dress in layered and loose clothing. You should not wear any cotton clothing in wet or cold weather.  

Keep in mind that these aren’t the only vital things you should carry. Make sure you read some tips online on how to survive in the wilderness.